Comfort in Every Cuddle

Experience the plush difference with every paw

Happiness Meets Comfort

Discover a world where your pet's comfort transforms your lifestyle. Plush Pawz & Clawz introduces luxury and ease into your home, elevating the joy and harmony within.

Luxury Living for Every Paw

Our essentials ensure your pet's happiness

Endless Fun With Furry Friends

Comfort & Feeding

Making every moment golden for pets

Are you tired of the constant mess and the never-ending battle to keep your pet's feeding area clean?

With our thoughtfully designed feeding mats and bowls, say goodbye to spills, slips, and scattered food. These products are crafted to keep mealtime tidy and stress-free, so you can spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying moments with your pet.

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Hear What Our Customers Are Saying

Oh my stars, where has this 3-in-1 Feeding Bowl been all my pet parenting life? It's like the Swiss Army knife of pet bowls! I've got two fur babies who are quite the messy eaters, and this bowl has been a game-changer.

Samantha T.

Okay, so I was totally that pet parent who would rather dance on hot coals than try to clip my dog's nails. The drama, the stress — it was a no from me. But this Electric Pet Nail Grinder? It's quiet, it's quick, and it doesn't freak out my pup.

Allison P.

Let me paint you a picture: trying to groom a wriggly, unhappy pup who thinks the brush is their arch-nemesis. That was my life before the Pet Grooming Hammock. This nifty little invention is literally a lifesaver.

David R.